ThriveIN. A global, online community
for business leaders
who want to slay
the sales function dragon.

Who is it for?

You’re a business owner struggling to step out of the sales function. You’re tired of unsuccessful hires and a sales process that feels cumbersome and restrictive.

If these statements resonate, ThriveIN is for you. Join a community designed to guide you through a strategic 12-month journey, empowering you to reclaim your time while enhancing your bottom line.

What is ThriveIN all about?

ThriveIN is a transformative community tailored for founders and business owners determined to move their sales function forward, and themselves beyond it. The exclusive community provides access to an easy-to-follow framework, industry experts, and like-minded peers, all which help to break you free from the sales treadmill and elevate yourself and your business.

What will I get?

ThriveIN is not just a community; it’s a roadmap to liberate you from sales purgatory. Our carefully curated 12-month program will unravel the complexities of your sales process, turning it into a streamlined, high-performing asset. You’ll be empowered to discover the harmonious rhythm of sales and gain the skills to build a robust sales structure.

You’ll walk away with a self-built sales playbook covering: 

  • A-Player Recruitment: Learn the art of selecting, training and retaining top-performing talent.

  • Running High Quality Meetings: Understand stand ups, role plays and the perfect sales meeting rhythms.

  • Perfecting Your Sales Process: Review your current workflows and identify your 5 – 7 key conversion rates.

  • How to Sell: Define your USP, outline your phrases that pay and be geared to handle all objections.

  • Unlocking Business Value: Transform your current pipeline to surpass targets.

  • Data-Driven Sales Management: Harness the power of data for strategic decision-making.

  • Adapting to Change: Navigate evolving sales landscapes and stay ahead of the curve.

How does it work?

You will attend: 

  • Expert-Led *Quarterly Sales Training
    Equip yourself with the latest strategies and insights to revitalize your
    sales approach.

  • Monthly Small Group Forum Sessions:
    Engage in intimate discussions with
    experienced sales coaches and industry
    peers, fostering growth, learning, and
    problem-solving. These sessions are all
    about implementing what has been
    learned in the workshops.

  • *Exclusive Guest Speakers,
    *Masterclasses and *Fireside Chats: Learn from world-renowned experts to elevate your leadership, fine-tune your sales culture, and maximize performance.

* Invites to Quarterly Workshops as well as the Guest Speakers, Masterclasses and Fireside Chats can be extended to the member’s 2iC’s or head of sales. 

What are the benefits of the community?

Strategic Sales Training

Access world-class sales training and coaching at an affordable monthly rate.

Enhanced Team Dynamics

Boost sales team morale and motivation.

Cross-Industry Wisdom

Gain valuable insights from non-competitive, cross-industry learning.

Sales Culture Transformation

Cultivate a high-performance sales culture for increased conversions.

How much is
the investment?

  • Average of 3-hours per month

  • US$495 per month – billed quarterly

It’s time for your business to not just survive but THRIVE.

Connect with ThriveIN today.